Growing Green: A Young Person's Guide to Taking Care of the Planet | TheBookSeekers

Growing Green: A Young Person's Guide to Taking Care of the Planet

No. of pages 32

Published: 2008


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This attractive book will be appreciated for its warm exploration of a perennially important theme. The book consists of colourful pictures of a child doing the small things that underpin an environmentally gentle lifestyle - with an emphasis on taking care of small creatures and their habitats, nurturing seeds and seedlings, picking up litter and recycling - along with brief captions (with a hint of humour), to provide a useful 'talkabout' book. The whole concept is grounded in the clearly stated awareness that this world is sacred.


There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2008 by Lion Hudson Plc .

CHRISTINA GOODINGS has written a range of activity books for children.

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