25 Crafts for Christmas | TheBookSeekers

25 Crafts for Christmas


No. of pages 32

Published: 2014


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A craft for every day of Advent, or just to keep children entertained in the run up to Christmas. You can make decorations, your own Christmas cards, and a variety of gift boxes and trimmings. Each activity is wonderfully simple with only a few steps to each craft and will give satisfying results in minutes - or hours can be whiled away with glittery embellishments.


There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2014 by Lion Hudson Plc .

CHRISTINA GOODINGS has written a range of activity books for children. Samantha Meredith graduated from Loughborough University with a BA (Hons) degree in illustration. She began her career as a designer at Usborne Publishing. She now works as a full-time illustrator, drawing pictures all day, while drinking tea and wearing panda slippers. She is based in North London.

This book has the following chapters: 1 Icicle. 2 Scrap box. 3 Christmas wreath. 4 Wrap-anything bag. 5 Elf boot. 6 Quick cracker. 7 Painted jar. 8 Sweet little gift box. 9 Little lanterns. 10 Paper bow. 11 Festive note. 12 Hanging baskets. 13 Felt pom-poms. 14 Frosty forest card. 15 Sweet little mouse. 16 Pile of gifts. 17 Star box. 18 Paper bauble. 19 Paper fan dangle. 20 Christmas village. 21 Star card. 22 Christmas flags. 23 Bright night owls. 24 Angel card. 25 Christmas star templates.

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