No. of pages 32
Published: 2016
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There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2016 by Walker Books Ltd .
Chris Butterworth is the author of over 70 books, mostly non-fiction, and has written on subjects as diverse as disasters, hiccups, basketball and snakes. She lives in London. John Lawrence has contributed to well over a hundred books as an illustrator and wood-engraver including Lyra's Oxford by Philip Pullman, Tiny's Big Adventure by Martin Waddell and Christmas in Exeter Street by Diana Hendry. Chris Butterworth is the author of over seventy books, mostly non-fiction, and has written on subjects as diverse as disasters, hiccups, basketball and snakes. She lives in Penzance, Cornwall. Lucia Gaggiotti is a graphic designer, packager and illustrator whose illustrations of food have been used by many food companies in London, including Carluccio's and Pizza Express. This is her first children's book. Lucia lives in London, EC1. www. luciagaggiotti. eu