No. of pages 160
Published: 2014
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This book is part of a book series called Minerva Mint .
There are 160 pages in this book. This book was published 2014 by Capstone Global Library Ltd .
Elisa Puricelli Guerra was born in Milan, Italy. She always dreamed of becoming a writer (or an astronaut or a witch) and her love of books was born when her mother read the Pippi Longstocking books to her her aloud. Like Pippi, Guerra has red hair - a fact that has caused many problems. She never got away with anything in school, because her flaming read hair always caught the attention of the teachers. As a writer, she often gives the main characters in her stories red hair, too, but she makes them extra clever, so they get away with a bit more than she did. Guerra also works as a freelance writer and translator, but if she could make a living by just reading, that is exactly what she would do!
This book is in the following series:
This book features the following character:
Minerva Mint
This book features the character Minerva Mint.