Children's Stories: By Contemporary Shanghai Writers | TheBookSeekers

Children's Stories: By Contemporary Shanghai Writers

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No. of pages 232

Published: 2010


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This collection of 21 children's stories by first-rate children's writers from Shanghai, this book introduces to you a wonderful literary world where you will read about:
  • The famous Black Cat Police Chief and his vigor and determination when dealing with a theft in the forest in The Black Cat Police Chief.
  • How the magical shadow-cutting knife has both made and ruined Halike the mouse in Halike and his Shadow-Cutting Knife.
  • Why the Barbershop for the Brave opened by the boys in City B has made itself into a scene of fear, and what constitutes the difference between real courage and fool hardiness in The Barbershop for the Brave.
  • The tenacious and unwavering treasure-hunting camel and what the "priceless treasure" really is in A Camel on a treasure Hunt.
  • The curious case of Naonao's grandma with her strange ears, and how it teaches him to behave better in Grandmother's Strange Ears.
  • Many other wonderful stories that tell tales especially for children, and adults with young hearts.


There are 232 pages in this book. It is an anthology. This book was published 2010 by BetterLink Press Incorporated .

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