Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space: The Snare | TheBookSeekers

Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space: The Snare

volume 1, Adventures in Wild Space

No. of pages 144

Published: 2017

Great for age 6-12 years

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This is volume 1 in Adventures in Wild Space .

This book has been graded for interest at 8-11 years. This book is part of a reading scheme, meaning that it is a book aimed at children who are learning to read.

There are 144 pages in this book. This is a chapter book. Publishers market early chapter books at readers aged 6-10 years. This book was published 2017 by Disney Lucasfilm Press .

Cavan Scott is the author of the Space Marine Battles novella Plague Harvest, along with the Warhammer 40, 000 short stories 'Doom Flight', 'Trophies', 'Sanctus Reach: Death Mask' 'Flayed' and 'Logan Grimnar: Defender of Honour'. He lives and works in Bristol.

This book is in the following series:

Adventures in Wild Space

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