L-L-L-Loser | TheBookSeekers


A Hilo scheme

No. of pages 96

Published: 2006

Great for age 12-18 years

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Me: John Blue. Sixteen. Six pack. Likes: music and girls, in that order. Dislikes: The Two Cheeses, Danish Blue and Dairy Lee. Them: The Two Cheeses, Dane and Lee. Spotty. Greasy. Geeks. Likes: Star Wars and making my life a misery, in that order. Dislikes: Washing. Clean underpants. Having a life. What a couple of L-L-L-LOSERS...A riotous, laugh out loud comedy.


. This book is part of a HiLo reading scheme, combining high interest relative to the required reading skill.

There are 96 pages in this book. This book was published 2006 by Barrington Stoke Ltd .

Catherine Forde was discovered on the slush pile. Before turning to writing full time, she worked as a lexicographer for Collins and taught in secondary schools. She lives in Glasgow with her husband and two sons. Her first two books, Fat Boy Swim and Skarrs received rave reviews.

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