No. of pages 40
Published: 2016
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This book features in the following series: Lets Read And Find Out, Lets-Read-And-Find-Out Science Stage 1 .
There are 40 pages in this book. This book was published 2016 by HarperCollins Publishers Inc .
Fran Hodgkins is the author of The Orphan Seal, winner of the Henry Bergh Children's Book Award, presented by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. This is Fran Hodgkins's first Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science book. She lives in Maryland. Taia Morley has worked as a toy and game designer for several toy companies and is also an illustrator whose work appears in books and magazines and on packaging. She even illustrated the surface of the St. Paul Public Library Bookmobile. When she isn't working, she might be riding a bike, trying to hit a tennis ball, or napping. She has illustrated Hurricane Watch and The Sun and the Moon in the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science series. She is married to a wonderful guy, and they have four pretty great kids and one old brown dog. She lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. Carolyn Cinami DeCristofano is a science education consultant and the author of several science books for children, including Running on Sunshine and A Black Hole Is Not a Hole, an NCTE Orbis Pictus Recommended Book of Outstanding Nonfiction, and Big Bang!, an IRA Notable Children's Book. Visit her online at www. carolyndecristofano. com. Giovana Medeiros is a freelance illustrator from Brazil who now lives in Dublin. When not making art, Giovana can be found trying new foods, drinking coffee, and walking around the city in search of her next inspiration. Running on Sunshine is her debut picture book. You can visit her online at www. giovanamedeiros. com.
This book is in the following series:
Lets Read and Find Out
Let's-Read-and-Find-Out is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series.
Lets-Read-And-Find-Out Science-Stage 1