No. of pages 71
Published: 2005
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This book is part of a book series called Moongobble And Me .
This book has been graded for interest at 6-10 years.
There are 71 pages in this book. This is a chapter book. Publishers market early chapter books at readers aged 6-10 years. This book was published 2005 by Simon & Schuster .
BRUCE COVILLE is the bestselling author of dozens of books, including the enormously popular Magic Shop Books, Thor's Wedding Day, and The Monsters of Morley Manor. Katherine Coville is an artist as well as an author. Books she has illustrated include Aliens Ate My Homework and Sarah's Unicorn , both by written her husband, Bruce Coville. Books she has written include Ivy , and The Cottage in the Woods . She lives in Syracuse, New York, with a varying assortment of pets and children.
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