Cinderella Battistella | TheBookSeekers

Cinderella Battistella

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No. of pages 32

Published: 2017


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Off to the New Orleans Twelfth Night Ball! With a wave of Mother LeRoux's gris-gris stick, New Orleans culture and Cajun characters bring new life to the familiar Cinderella fairy tale. Down in the Marigny, Cinderella Battistella is left alone while her wicked stepmama and hideous stepsisters rush off to the Twelfth Night Ball to steal the prince's heart. It's a good thing Cinderella has her Ferry Godmother and a few crustacean companions to offer up some laughs, spice, and hocus-pocus! With lively illustrations by Herb Leonhard and witty dialogue by playwrights Bob Bruce and David Cuthbert, this Southern reimagining will have you reading and re-reading long after the clock strikes twelve!


There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2017 by Pelican Publishing Co .

Bob Bruce and David Cuthbert first produced their Southern version of Cinderella as a stage play. Since the 1970s, they have coauthored more than a dozen plays that have been performed all over the country. Bruce has worked as a scenery and costume designer for the New Orleans Recreation Department as well as for theaters around the city, including Le Petit and Rivertown Repertory Theater. Bob Bruce and David Cuthbert first produced their Southern version of Cinderella as a stage play. Since the 1970s, they have coauthored more than a dozen plays that have been performed all over the country. Cuthbert worked for more than forty years for the New Orleans Times-Picayune as a reporter, reviewer, and feature writer. Herb Leonhard received a BFA in illustration from the Pacific Northwest College of Art. His award-winning work has appeared in D Magazine, among other publications. He is the illustrator of several other Pelican books, including St. Patrick and the Three Brave Mice, Way Out West on My Little Pony, A Southern Child's Garden of Verses, Leonardo's Monster, I Know a Librarian Who Chewed on a Word, A Is for Alliguitar: Musical Alphabeasts, and Southern Mother Goose. Leonhard lives in Prosser, Washington. JAN PECK is a full-time writer and a former freelance editor for Boys' Life magazine. Her writing has appeared in Humpty Dumpty, Highlights for Children, and Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul. She is an active member of the Texas chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. Herb Leonhard received a BFA in illustration from the Pacific Northwest College of Art. His award-winning work has appeared in D Magazine, among other publications. He is the illustrator of several other Pelican books, including St. Patrick and the Three Brave Mice, Way Out West on My Little Pony, A Southern Child's Garden of Verses, Leonardo's Monster, I Know a Librarian Who Chewed on a Word, A Is for Alliguitar: Musical Alphabeasts, and Southern Mother Goose. Leonhard lives in Prosser, Washington.

This book contains the following story:

Cinderella REALLY wants to go to the ball but her wicked stepmother and ugly sisters think she's better off at home doing the chores. Along comes the fairy godmother, waves her magic wand and Cinders's clothes are transformed into a gorgeous ball gown. Off she goes to the palace ball in a pumpkin coach and horses transformed from mice. But when the clock strikes midnight Cinders reverts to her tattered old self, and the prince has only a glass slipper to find his gorgeous girly.

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