An der Spitze GCSE German Course Book | TheBookSeekers

An der Spitze GCSE German Course Book

Key stage: Key Stage 4

No. of pages 184

Great for age 11-18 years
An der Spitze is a 2-year course that fully prepares students in years 10 and 11 for the updated Key Stage 4 German specifications. Written by two authors who are highly experienced in the teaching and examining of German, An der Spitze aims to give students the confidence, fluency and linguistic competence that are required for success at Key Stage 4. Features of An der Spitze include: - coverage of all GCSE topics offered by the English awarding bodies - a thorough, rigorous approach to essential grammar, with clear explanations and practice exercises comprehensive treatment of the key vocabulary needed, giving a secure base for the examination - integration of cultural topics on German-speaking countries into listening and reading texts, with insights into German social and cultural life - carefully developed sequences of exercises that aim to exploit the topics fully - a balanced approach to the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing - periodic revision units, to enable students to consolidate their learning The course book is accompanied by An der Spitze Teacher Guide plus CD (978 1844 897247) which includes free audio CDs of the listening material to support the book.


This book is suitable for Key Stage 4. KS4 covers school years 10 and 11, and ages 15-16 years. A key stage is any of the fixed stages into which the national curriculum is divided, each having its own prescribed course of study. At the end of each stage, pupils are required to complete standard assessment tasks. This book is aimed at children in secondary school.

There are 184 pages in this book. This book was published 2009 by Hodder Education .

Birgit Linton is a Tutor in German at the School of English and Languages of the University of Surrey, where she has taught on a variety of programmes since 1991.

This book has the following chapters: Thema 1 Ich personlich 1 Ich stelle mich vor. Say who you are Say where you come from and where you live Give your age and date of birth Ask others for this information Use regular and irregular verbs in the present tense 2 Ich uber mich Talk about your close family Ask others about their family Learn to use the indefinite article in the accusative 3 . und wer gehort noch dazu? Understand family relationships Talk about your relatives and your pets Learn how to use possessive pronouns 4 Und wie siehst du aus? Describe your appearance Describe your character Vokabular Thema 2 Mein Zuhause 1. ist das dein Traumhaus? Say where you live Say what type of house you have Learn to use adjective endings 2 Wo ist. meine Lampe? Describe the rooms in your house Describe where things are Use prepositions with the dative case 3 Was an meinem Tag so lauft Talk about your daily routine Use reflexive verbs 4 Im Haushalt helfen Talk about helping at home Use separable verbs Vokabular Thema 3 Freizeit 1 Hobbys Talk about your hobbies and interests Ask how others spend their spare time Discuss what you do when, where and how often Express opinions on leisure activities 2 Zu Geld kommen. Talk about pocket money Talk about part-time jobs Talk about spending and saving Use subordinating conjunctions (dass, weil, wenn) 3 Ich bin fit Talk about sport Express preferences Use adjectives 4 Und am Samstag. ? Say what else you do in your free time Talk about an outing Use correct word order in longer sentences Vokabular Noch einmal bitte! Themen 1-3 Thema 4 Die Schule 1 Ich besuche. Talk about the kind of school you go to Describe your school Talk about your uniform Understand how to use kein 2 . und das ist mein Stundenplan Talk about your school day Revise subordinating conjunctions (weil, obwohl) 3 Was ich heute in der Schule gemacht habe. Talk about events in the past Use the perfect tense of verbs with haben 4 Ich bin zu spat gekommen. Continue talking about what you have done Learn how to use verbs of movement in the perfect tense Learn how to use separable verbs in the perfect tense Vokabular Thema 5 Berufe, Berufe. 1 Was soll ich werden? Learn how to describe different jobs Learn about masculine and feminine job titles Learn to use sentences with um. zu 2 Mein Arbeitspraktikum Talk about your forthcoming work experience week Use expressions of time to talk about future intent 3 Nach dem Praktikum Talk about your work experience in the past Vokabular Thema 6 . und in Zukunft? 1 Wie geht es weiter? Discuss your plans for after your GCSEs Learn to use the future tense 2 . und nach dem Abitur? Talk more about your future plans (e. g. after your A-levels) Use adverbs to express probability 3 Ich suche einen Job. Apply for a job Vokabular Noch einmal bitte! Themen 4-6 Thema 7 Unterwegs 1 Am Bahnhof Understand signs at the train station Get information about train travel Buy train tickets 2 Wie komme ich zum Bahnhof? Ask for and give directions Use the imperative 3 Was kann man in Koln machen? Learn how to enquire about tourist activities Learn to understand instructions Use modal verbs Vokabular Thema 8 Ferien 1 Haben Sie Zimmer frei? Learn to enquire about accommodation Revise asking questions Use prepositions with the accusative case 2 Wohin fahrst du. und mit wem? Say where you spend your holiday and how you get there Say who you travel with Use prepositions with the dative case 3 Wo warst du und was hast du gemacht? Talk about what you did on holiday Use the imperfect tense of sein and haben 4 Ich mochte mich beschweren. Make a complaint Vokabular Thema 9 Gesundheit 1 Wie bleibe ich fit und gesund? Talk about healthy eating and drinking Say how you keep fit and healthy 2 . und was ist nicht so gesund? Talk about and give advice on an unhealthy lifestyles Use the modal verbs mussen and durfen 3 Gute Besserung! Say that you are unwell and what is wrong with you Understand questions and instructions from the doctor Use the dative case Vokabular Noch einmal bitte! Themen 7-9 Thema 10 Meine Stadt und meine Gegend Was kann man in deiner Stadt machen? Describe your town Say what you can do in your town 2 . und wie findest du deine Stadt? Give more detail about your home town and talk about your local area Use the verb gefallen to express likes and dislikes Revise other ways of expressing a positive and negative opinions 3 Grossstadt, Kleinstadt? Discuss and understand the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big or a small town Vokabular Thema 11 Einkaufen und so weiter. 1 Klamotten kaufen Shop for clothes Describe items of clothing Use dieser, welcher and the question word was fur 2 Das sind die Skier, die 200 kosten Talk about buying things for your hobbies Use relative pronouns 3 Auf der Post, in der Bank und im Fundburo Talk about buying stamps and sending items Talk about changing money Report a loss Vokabular Thema 12 Essen und Trinken 1 . und was soll ich einkaufen? Revise food items Revise how to form plurals 2 Ich hatte gern einen Kasten Bier. Practise shopping transactions Revise definite and indefinite articles in the nominative and accusative cases Revise adjective endings in the nominative and accusative cases 3 . und wo gehen wir essen? Order meals in a restaurant and learn how to make a complaint Give your preferences in your choice of meals Revise the present tense of geben, essen and nehmen Use the dative to express your likes and dislikes with regard to your meal 4 Gesund essen Talk about healthy eating Understand a recipe Vokabular Noch einmal bitte! Themen 10-12 Thema 13 Medien 1 Gehen wir lieber ins Kino? Talk about television programmes Make arrangements to go out Talk about films 2 Was liest du so? Talk about what you like to read Revise the imperfect tense Learn how to form the pluperfect tense 3 Ich brauche meinen Computer und mein Handy. Talk about the internet, e-mails and mobile phones Revise the future tense 4 . und wer ist ein Superstar? Learn about famous musicians Vokabular Thema 14 Die Umwelt 1 Und wi

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