volume 28, The Incredible Worlds of Wally Mcdoogle
No. of pages 128
Published: 2007
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At last, Wally can have the superpowers he has always dreamed of and written about! Thanks to the newest invention of Junior Whiz Kid, Wally now has . .
These and a dozen other superpowers allow him to try to make the world a better place . . . until he realizes that the biggest differences are not made by flashy superheroes, but by everyday people doing everyday acts of kindness.
Join our boy blunder as he learns the true meaning of helping and caring for others.
This is volume 28 in The Incredible Worlds Of Wally Mcdoogle .
There are 128 pages in this book. This book was published 2007 by Thomas Nelson Publishers .
Bill Myers is a youth worker, creative writer, and film director who co-created the "McGee and Me!" book and video series; his work has received over forty national and international awards. His many books include Hot Topics, Tough Questions, and The Dark Side of the Supernatural.
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