volume 3, Crabtree School
No. of pages 96
Published: 2015
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This is volume 3 in Crabtree School .
There are 96 pages in this book. This book was published 2015 by Scholastic .
Becka Moor studied illustration in the North of Wales at Glyndwr University. She has since moved back home to Manchester where she works under the strict supervision of two very mischievous cats, doodling away and drinking far too much coffee. Lauren Pearson was born and raised in Akron, Ohio, and attended Duke University. Now, Lauren lives in North London with her husband and two kids, and is the author of the CRABTREE SCHOOL series for children. She lives her life surrounded by small people and their books, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
This book is in the following series:
This book features the following character:
Ava Alexandra Hughes
This book features the character Ava Alexandra Hughes.