Numbers to 20 | TheBookSeekers

Numbers to 20

Essentials Maths


No. of pages 32

Published: 1995


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This book is part of the "Essentials" series of photocopiable books designed to offer the non-specialist teacher a wide range of open-ended maths activities for specified levels of ability. The series provides activities to support any scheme of work being used in the school, either as part of a structured science lesson or as educationally-sounded time-fillers. This book contains activities that investigate a range of Attainment Targets from 1 to 4. Each book contains photocopiable activities, plus teachers' notes that explain the purpose of each activity, its relevance to the National Curriculum and suggest ideas for follow-up activities.


This book is part of a book series called Essentials Maths .

There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 1995 by Scholastic .

Professor Rose Griffiths teaches at the University of Leicester on the Primary PGCE and on courses for experienced teachers. Rose has worked in pre-school settings, primary, special and secondary schools, and in adult and family education. She is a well-established author of materials for children, parents and teachers. Dr Sue Gifford works in primary mathematics education at the University of Roehampton, with preservice and practising teachers on Masters level courses. She was previously a London primary teacher and a mathematics advisory teacher. Her research interests are in early years mathematics education and children with mathematics difficulties. Dr Jenni Back is a freelance consultant in mathematics education with experience in teaching mathematics to children aged 3 to 19 years. She has been involved in initial teacher education and at Masters level with primary and secondary teachers at Middlesex University and the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching at Plymouth University.

This book is in the following series:

Essentials Maths

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