Animal Tales from the Bible | TheBookSeekers

Animal Tales from the Bible

Tales from the Bible


No. of pages 96

Published: 2001


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Avril Rowlands retells the tales of 10 animals from the Old Testament, giving a fresh perspective to familiar Bible stories. The retellings are both fun and thought-provoking, as each animal's story highlights a characteristic of God or of people to make a gentle moral or spiritual point.


This book is part of a book series called Tales From the Bible .

There are 96 pages in this book. This book was published 2001 by Lion Hudson Plc .

AVRIL ROWLAND's is the author of many books for children. For Lion these include Tales from the Ark and its sequels, The Animals' Christmas and The Animals' Easter. Avril's hobbies include swimming, walking, theatre and steam railways. ROSSLYN MORAN is an experienced illustrator who now specialises in children's books. She has illustrated several titles for Barefoot Books and for Lion has worked on Tales from the Ark and its sequels, and The Animals' Christmas. She lives in Lancashire. Avril Rowlands is the author of many books for children. For Lion these include Tales from the Ark and its sequels, The Animals' Christmas and The Animals' Easter. Avril's hobbies include swimming, walking, theatre and steam railways.

This book has the following chapters: The collection comprises: 1) The Snake in the Garden (The Fall) 2) Mrs Noah's Cat (The Flood) 3) The Swift Flies Too High (Babel) 4) The Speckled Goat (Jacob) 5) The Frog and the Pharaoh (Plagues of Egypt) 6) The Grumbling Cow (Exodus) 7) The Donkey and the Angel (Balaam's ass) 8) The Lamb and the Shepherd (David) 9) The Lions' Revolt (Daniel) 10)The Whale's Worst Meal (Jonah)

This book is in the following series:

Tales from the Bible

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