No. of pages 144
Published: 2012
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This book is suitable for Key Stage 3. KS3 covers school years 7, 8 and 9, and ages 12-14 years. A key stage is any of the fixed stages into which the national curriculum is divided, each having its own prescribed course of study. At the end of each stage, pupils are required to complete standard assessment tasks. This book is aimed at children in secondary school.
There are 144 pages in this book. This book was published 2012 by Colourpoint Creative Ltd .
Sheila Turner Johnston was born in west Cork, Ireland and spent her childhood in different counties the length and breadth of the country, as the family moved wherever her father's job took him. She attended Queen's University, Belfast, and apart from managing to graduate against all her expectations, one of her best experiences was reading her poetry to an audience that included Seamus Heaney. Sheila has won prizes for both fiction and non-fiction, and has written many articles for both local and national publications. She and her husband Norman founded the publishing stable Colourpoint Creative Ltd, which is now owned and managed by their two sons. Maker of Footprints is her first published novel. Sheila can be contacted at sheilaturnerjohnston@gmail. com. Also by Sheila Turner Johnston The Harper of the Only God Selected poems of Alice Milligan (as editor) Alice, a biography of Alice Milligan. Colourpoint 1994 The Middle Ages (with Kathleen Gormley) Colourpoint 1997 History In Close-Up: the Twentieth Century Colourpoint Educational, 2010 History In Close-Up: the Medieval World (with Norman Johnston) Colourpoint Educational, 2011
This book has the following chapters: Contents: Unit 1: Ireland and the World in 1800 Unit 2: Slavery Unit 3: Rural Life Before the Famine Unit 4: The Famine Unit 5: Effects of the Famine Unit 6: Landlord and Tenant Unit 7: Solving the Land ProblemUnit 8: The Ulster Linen Industry Unit 9: The Growth of Belfast Unit 10: Shipbuilding and the links with Britain Unit 11: Unionism and Nationalism Unit 12: Irish Republicanism Unit 13: Catholic Emancipation Unit 14: Repeal and Home Rule Unit 15: Irish Unionism Unit 16: Ulster Unionism Unit 17: Parnell: Case Study Unit 18: The Gaelic Revival Unit 19: Killing Home Rule with Kindness Unit 20: The Third Home Rule Bill Unit 21: Carson and Craig Unit 22: Propaganda Unit 23: The Ulster Covenant Unit 24: The UVF and Irish Volunteers Unit 25: Gun-runnings Unit 26: The Outbreak of World War I Unit 27: Ireland and World War I Unit 28: Trenches and The Somme Unit 29: The Easter Rising Unit 30: The End of World War I Unit 31: Rise of Sinn Fein Unit 32: War of Independence Unit 33: Partition Unit 34: Relationships between the two States Unit 35: The Second World War Unit 36: Ireland in the Second World War Unit 37: The Holocaust Unit 38: The World since 1945 Unit 39: Ireland since 1945