History in Close-Up: The Age of Discovery | TheBookSeekers

History in Close-Up: The Age of Discovery

Colourpoint Educational

Key stage: Key Stage 3

No. of pages 126

Published: 2011

Great for age 11-18 years

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One of a set of four History resources for CCEA Key Stage 3, 'The Age of Discovery' covers the period 1500 to 1800 and includes: The reformation; the Elizabethans; the Spanish Armada; The Ulster Plantation with local case studies; Guy Fawkes; Oliver Cromwell; James II and William III in Ireland; the Siege of Derry. The four titles in the History in Close-Up Series give students a comprehensive understanding of the key themes that form the history of their part of the world. 'The Medieval World' covers the period to approximately 1500, while 'Union and Partition' covers the period from 1800 to present, with a major emphasis on the period leading up to partition. The fourth book, 'The Twentieth Century' is offered as an alternative for the final year study, taking a theme-based approach to the changes that have come in the past one hundred years.


This book is part of a book series called Colourpoint Educational .

This book is suitable for Key Stage 3. KS3 covers school years 7, 8 and 9, and ages 12-14 years. A key stage is any of the fixed stages into which the national curriculum is divided, each having its own prescribed course of study. At the end of each stage, pupils are required to complete standard assessment tasks. This book is aimed at children in secondary school.

There are 126 pages in this book. This book was published 2011 by Colourpoint Creative Ltd .

This book has the following chapters: CONTENTS Unit 1 - Sixteenth Century Europe & The World, Unit 2 - Reformation and Luther, Unit 3 - The English Reformation, Unit 4 - Religious Change in England, Unit 5 - Elizabethan England, Unit 6 - Sailors and Explorers, Unit 7 - Rivalries in Europe, Unit 8 - Mary Queen of Scots, Unit 9 - Mary and Elizabeth I, Unit 10 - England and Spain, Unit 11 - Sir Francis Drake: Case Study, Unit 12 - Philip II, Unit 13 - The Armada's Voyage, Unit 14 - Ireland and the Armada Colonisation, Unit 15 - What is a Colony?, Unit 16 - Roanoke: Case Study, Unit 17 - The American Colonies, Unit 18 - Ireland and Early Plantations, Unit 19 - The Ulster Plantation, Unit 20 - The London Companies: Case Study, Unit 21 - Omagh: Case Study, Unit 22 - Results of the Ulster Plantation Civil War and Cromwell, Unit 23 - James I and the Puritans, Unit 24 - The Gunpowder Plot, Unit 25 - Charles I and Parliament, Unit 26 - The English Civil War Unit, 27 - Oliver Cromwell, Unit 28 - Cromwell in Ireland Unit, 29 - The Cromwellian Settlement The Williamite Wars, Unit 30 - Europe in 1688, Unit 31 - James II and Ireland, Unit 32 - The Siege of Derry, Unit 33 - The War of the Three Kings, Unit 34 - Limerick and Aughrim, Unit 35 - The Eighteenth Century

This book is in the following series:

Colourpoint Educational

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