Nonfiction Readers Theatre for Beginning Readers | TheBookSeekers

Nonfiction Readers Theatre for Beginning Readers

Readers Theatre

No. of pages 220

Published: 2007

Great for age 7-11 years

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Teachers and librarians are continually looking for an interesting, fun way to input content knowledge to build that background information which will help push up student expository reading scores. Nonfiction readers theatre is one way to accomplish this. Professor Fredericks offers 30 short nonfiction readers theatre plays for the young reader (grades 1-3) on topics ranging from earth and natural science to community helpers, holidays, and government.

Test scores across the country show American students are far more able to read narrative than nonfiction text. Some research speculates this is due to a great lack in the background knowledge of many children. Librarians are beginning to realize that a unique fit for the school librarian is as a provider of background knowledge materials for teachers to use.


This book is part of a book series called Readers Theatre .

This book is aimed at children in primary school.

There are 220 pages in this book. This book was published 2007 by ABC-CLIO .

Anthony D. Fredericks has written many books for Teacher Ideas Press. He is Professor of Education, York College, York, Pennsylvania, and the author of more than 50 teacher resource books as well as 20 award-winning children's books.

This book is in the following series:

Readers Theatre

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