Gordon | TheBookSeekers


volume 2, Orchard Super Crunchies

No. of pages 64

Published: 2000

Great for age 7-11 years

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Gordon is the class guinea pig and Jack gets to take him home for the holidays. But Jack''s not allowed to have a pet due to his Mum''s asthma, so he and his friend Lucy try to find a way of secretly keeping him at the house, with hilarious results.'


This book features in the following series: Orchard Super Crunchies, Pet Pals Supercrunchies .

There are 64 pages in this book. This book was published 2000 by Hachette Children's Group .

Cathy Gale lives in London where she works as a part-time tutor on the illustration course at Kingston, as well as on her wonderful books. Anne Cottringer lives in London and works full-time as an author of children's books.

This book is in the following series:

Orchard Super Crunchies
Fantastically funny football stories!

Pet Pals Supercrunchies

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