No. of pages 192
Published: 2019
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There are 192 pages in this book. This book was published 2019 by Oxford University Press .
Anne Booth: Anne lives in a village in Kent with her husband, four children, two dogs, and three hens. She has worked as a bookseller, a university lecturer, and in a residential care home. Rosie Butcher: It's Rosie Butcher's dream come true to be working on Magical Kingdom of Birds, her debut illustrated fiction series. She has a degree in Illustration and lives in East Yorkshire with her husband and little girl. Anne lives in a village in Kent with her husband, four children, two dogs, and three hens. She has worked as a bookseller, a university lecturer, and in a residential care home. It's Rosie Butcher's dream come true to be working on Magical Kingdom of Birds, her debut illustrated fiction series. She has a degree in Illustration and lives in East Yorkshire with her husband and little girl.