No. of pages 224
Published: 2007
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This book is part of a book series called 100 Maths Framework Lessons .
There are 224 pages in this book. This book was published 2007 by Scholastic .
Ann Montague-Smith was the series consultant for '100 Maths Lessons' and '100 Maths Homework Activities'. She has also contributed to the 'Learning in the Early Years' series. She is a former Principal Lecturer in Primary Education and leader of a primary maths team and is now a well-established educational author. Ann Morgan is a freelance maths advisor. She was previously a Numeracy Consultant for Essex LEA. Mark Ruffle studied graphic design and then worked as an art editor for Oxford University Press, before becoming a freelance illustrator and designer. When he's not drawing animals or spaceships, among other things, he enjoys walking his dogs and cycling in the Cotswolds, where he lives with his wife and two daughters. Ann Montague-Smith was the series consultant for '100 Maths Lessons' and '100 Maths Homework Activities'. She has also contributed to the 'Learning in the Early Years' series. She is a former Principal Lecturer in Primary Education and leader of a primary maths team and is now a well-established educational author. Claire Tuthill is a freelance maths education consultant and writer.
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