Aladdin is a lazy boy who likes to do nothing but play. But when a magician turns up pretending to be his uncle, Aladdin's life changes forever...The Hopscotch Adventures series features exciting, page-turning adventures in under 400 words for children developing their reading confidence.
This book features in the following series: Hopscotch Adventures, Must Know Stories-Level 2 .
There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2007 by Hachette Children's Group .
Fiona Veitch Smith is the author of the Young David series (SPCK, 2015) and has also published detective fiction with Lion Hudson. She lives in Newcastle-upon-Tyne with her husband, daughter and dog and also lectures in creative writing and journalism. Andy Catling (illustrator) lives in Hampshire with his two children who love to sneak into their dad's room and draw all over his clothes! He studied at Norwich School of Art where he acquired the skills to animate and digitally render his work. When Andy is not working he enjoys reading historical novels and soaking up stories and ideas. Hilary Robinson is a well know and popular author of children's books.
This book contains the following story:
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
From A Thousand and One Nights comes the tale of Aladdin, an impoverished young lad in a Chinese town. Persuaded by the evil sorcerer Maghreb to retrieve a magic lamp containing a genie, the tale then follows the escapades of Aladdin and Maghreb as they fight to own the lamp and the magic it contains.