Path To The Wise Man | TheBookSeekers

Path To The Wise Man

Children's Rights


No. of pages 36

Published: 2013


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Three children from different villages compete to reach the Temple of the Oracle each hoping to be chosen to receive all the knowledge of the wisest man ever known. Each village hopes that its little hero has the skills and qualities to outdo the other two. Along the way, the three children learn their first lesson: that their talents become more valuable if they join forces. The story is based on Principle 1 of the Rights of the Child, according to which all children deserve to be treated, without any kind of exception or discrimination.


This book features in the following series: Children's Rights, Childrens Rights, Principle Series .

There are 36 pages in this book. This book was published 2013 by Salariya Book Company Ltd .

This book is in the following series:

Principle Series

Children's Rights

Childrens Rights

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