No. of pages 72
Published: 2012
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This book is aimed at children in secondary school.
There are 72 pages in this book. This book was published 2012 by Cengage Learning New Zealand .
Lilian Viitakangas is an educational consultant. She was a Senior Tutor at The University of Auckland, where she specialised in teacher education and the teaching of introductory accounting courses. Formerly HOD Business Studies at Glenfield College, Lilian has more than twenty years' teaching experience spanning secondary, tertiary and adult education both in New Zealand and overseas. Lilian is a former examiner for University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarships, the New Zealand Education & Scholarship Trust and the Sixth Form External Examination in accounting.
This book has the following chapters: 1 Designing the Subsystem 2 Recording and Processing 3 Internal Control over Accounts Payable 4 Inventory Recording and Measurement 5 Inventory Subsidiary Ledge 6 Managing Inventory