No. of pages 112
Published: 2017
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Exam Board: Pearson BTEC
Academic Level: BTEC National
Subject: Information Technology
First teaching: September 2016
First Exams: Summer 2017
This Revision Workbook delivers hassle-free hands-on practice for the externally assessed units.
Please note: This title does not cover the externally assessed Units 11 or 14, which are required for the Diploma and Extended Diploma
Updates to this title
If you purchased this title before 3rd April 2017, you will have an older edition. In light of updates to the qualification, there may be changes required to this older edition, which will be outlined at
An updated edition of this title will release in time for the new academic year in September 2017. This new edition will reflect updates to the qualification that have been made.
If you have the older edition and would like a copy of the new edition, please contact our customer services team, with proof of purchase, on 0845 313 6666 or email
This book is part of a book series called Revise Btec Nationals in It .
There are 112 pages in this book. This book was published 2017 by Pearson Education Limited .
This book is in the following series: