book 4, Beast Quest
No. of pages 144
Published: 2016
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Battle fearsome beasts and fight evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up.
A new Beast soars in the skies over Avantia! Torno the Hurricane Dragon has been summoned by Sanpao the Pirate King to stop Tom in his Quest to rescue Freya and Silver. Can Tom survive Torno's deadly hurricanes?
There are SIX thrilling adventures to collect in the Beast Quest: The Pirate King series: Balisk the Water Snake; Koron the Jaws of Death; Hecton the Body Snatcher; Tomo the Hurricane Dragon; Kronus the Clawed Menace; Bloodboar the Buried Doom.
If you like Beast Quest, check out Adam Blade's other series: Team Hero, Sea Quest and Beast Quest: New Blood!
This book features in the following series: Beast Quest, Beast Quest the Pirate King .
There are 144 pages in this book. This book was published 2016 by Hachette Children's Group .
Adam Blade is a pseudonym used by a team of writers.