No. of pages 24
Published: 2013
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This book is part of a book series called I Love Reading Phonics .
This book is at level 4 in the I Love Reading Phonics scheme. Level 4 focuses on alternative spellings of vowel sounds (e. g. ore/oar/oor), and includes shorter or longer words containing alternative spellings of vowel sounds (e. g. snore/oor/door).
There are 24 pages in this book. This book was published 2013 by Octopus Publishing Group .
From a background in teaching, Abigail Steel has become a respected expert in the field of Synthetic Phonics and a regular contributor to educational publications. Her successful education consultancy supports parents and teachers in the promotion of literacy skills. She is a passionate advocate of Synthetic Phonics:"Synthetic Phonics is an incredibly powerful tool, enabling huge leaps in early years' literacy. Built upon these principles, I Love Reading Phonics helps children read and spell more confidently and more efficiently. The results are amazing!" - Abigail Steel. Bill Bolton the illustrator has 18 years experience in a diverse range of work including all the titles in Templar's popular Busy Bugz series. Bill lives in Nottinghamshire with his wife, Louise, son Ben and two cats. They live in an environmentally friendly house built into the ground.
This book is in the following series:
I Love Reading Phonics
I love reading phonics is a reading series, offering beginner readers a structured literacy programme that combines fun illustrated fiction with synthetic phonics learning.