No. of pages 34
Published: 2008
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The perfect introduction to Thomas the Tank Engine!
Thomas is jealous when boastful Jeremy the jet plane flies into Sodor, until the pair work together during the big storm.
Thomas & Friends is a great way to pass on the tradition of Thomas to early readers. Children aged 2 and up will love meeting classic characters such as Percy, James, Gordon, and Toby down on The Fat Controller's railway.
Thomas has been teaching children lessons about life and friendship for over 70 years. He ranks alongside other beloved character such as Paddington Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage.
This book features in the following series: Thomas And Friends, Thomas Story Library .
There are 34 pages in this book. This is a short story book. This book was published 2008 by Egmont UK Ltd .
The Unknown Adventurer is still believed to be at large in the wild.
This book features the following character:
Thomas the Tank Engine
This book features the character Thomas the Tank Engine.