Set in the mythical city of Agrabah, the story follows a street-smart peasant, Aladdin, and his mischievous pet monkey, Abu. Aladdin falls in love with the free-spirited Princess Jasmine despite a law that says she can only wed a royal suitor. His luck changes with one rub of a magic lamp, releasing the fun-loving, wish-giving Genie who turns him into a prince. But the evil sorcerer, Jafar, and his wise-cracking parrot, Iago also crave the lamp's power. If Aladdin is to defeat them and win Jasmine's heart, he must first learn to be himself without the help of Genie's wishes.
This is volume 1 in Disney Classics .
There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2003 by Penguin Books Ltd .
The Unknown Adventurer is still believed to be at large in the wild.
This book contains the following story:
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
From A Thousand and One Nights comes the tale of Aladdin, an impoverished young lad in a Chinese town. Persuaded by the evil sorcerer Maghreb to retrieve a magic lamp containing a genie, the tale then follows the escapades of Aladdin and Maghreb as they fight to own the lamp and the magic it contains.