Snow White and Rose Red

A widow lived in a cottage in the woods. Two little rose trees stood outside the cottage one with roses as red as red, the other with roses as white as white. The widow had two daughters: Snow White was pale and fair like the white roses, Rose Red was rosy cheeked like the red ones. One winter a bear knocked on the door of the cottage looking for shelter from the bitter cold. The girls were so kind that he spent the winter with them, then in Spring left to guard his treasures from the wicked dwarfs. The girls were to have their own encounters with grumpy dwarfs, but when one particular dwarf offered them up to a fierce bear so he could keep his jewels they were a bit miffed. To their good fortune the bear turned out to be their winter bear, and he finished off the dwarf instead. The death of the dwarf broke a spell and the bear turned into a handsome prince. Fortunately the prince had a brother, so both girls got husbands and lived happily ever after.




