Bedtime Stories Tape | TheBookSeekers

Bedtime Stories Tape



Great for age 7-11 years

The delightful Letterland Bedtime Stories are now available on cassette. Ten short stories featuring everyone's favourite Letterland characters, guaranteed to capture the imginations of young listeners.

The stories can be listened to on their own, or alongside the book, but children will soon be capitivated by these charming Letterland stories.


This book is part of a book series called Letterland .

This book is aimed at children in primary school. This book is part of a reading scheme, meaning that it is a book aimed at children who are learning to read.

This book was published 1998 by HarperCollins Publishers .

Louis Fidge is a former Primary school headteacher and an established, successful educational author. Among his other publications for Collins is the series Collins Focus on Word Work. Lyn Wendon is reading specialist who devised Letterland as a remedy for reading failure. Working among children with learning difficulties, she found they needed a style of teaching that not only explained letter behaviour, but also fired their imaginations. The result was Letterland!

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